Playmates Childrens
Day Nursery

Opening Times

Playmates in Wellingborough is open every working day (We are not open for a week at Christmas):
7:45am to 5:45pm.

Education at Playmates

Book a Visit
We are regulated by Ofted and the EYFS which stands for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is our guide and our statutory requirement. The EYFS lists many things and you are always welcome to pick up a copy and have a read. The EYFS lists three prime areas of learning and development and four specific areas.

The prime areas are:
Communication and Language, Physical development and Personal, social and emotional development

The specific areas are:
Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts and Design.

The overarching principles give the following guidelines: Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable , confident and self assured. What this means to us is that every child is treated as an individual.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. What this means to us is that we have friendly professional staff.

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers. What this means to us, is that we will work with you and keep you informed as well as providing a safe, well equipped, positive and friendly nursery environment.

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.The framework covers the education and care of all children in the early years provision, including children with special needs and disabilities. What this means to us is that our nursery is inclusive and every child will be treated as an individual with their own needs and aims.
We want our children to be actively playing, exploring and being creative, most of all we want them to be happy and safe!

If you would like to download our Ofsted report, you can find it here

If you would like to download the full EYFS, visit and search 'EYFS'

Telephone number of Playmates

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